A Period-Style Picture Frame!
In the tradition of authentic Olde-Tyme style and construction, this picture frame will show your treasured artwork with class and distinction. It's time to fill that space on your wall in true style.
This Greene & Greene inspired version features:
- 3.75" wide top and bottom elements
- 3.25" wide side elements
Picture Frame Notes:
- All picture frames are sized according to the dimensions of the art being framed. If you have a piece 11” wide and 20 ½” tall, you need to order:
- Horizontal inches: 11
- Horizontal fraction: 0
- Vertical inches: 20
- Vertical fraction: ½
- If in doubt, round UP by one fraction size to be sure there’s enough room.
- For frames larger than 32”, shipping may be a concern, please call to order.
- A link to an Instruction Page detailing how to measure for a frame is available at the bottom of every page on this website.
- Time to ship 2 to 3 weeks.