Hanover Wall Mirror


Hanover Wall Mirror

The Hanover wall mirror features an Arts and Crafts chamfer at the top, an arch and round pegs.

This Craftsman style mirror deserves to be seen above the mantel or in the dining room.

Note: Selecting the beveled glass option requires that the arch at the top of the glass be made straight instead.




  • Approximate time to ship:3 to 5 weeks
  • Wood and stain notes:
    • All "oak" is quarter-sawn white oak unless noted otherwise.
    • Mahogany "natural" has a reddish stain applied.
    • Cherry "natural" & Walnut “natural” have no additional color added and will mature to a warm mature tone in six to eight months.
    • All finished pieces receive a lacquer top coat.
    • "Naked" pieces are shipped with no finish applied.
Your Price $525.95