A Period-Style Picture Frame!
In the tradition of authentic Olde-Tyme style and construction, this picture frame will show your treasured artwork with class and distinction. It's time to fill that space on your wall in true style.
This 'slim' Tapered version features:
- 3" wide top and 3.5" bottom elements
- Tapered sides
Picture Frame Notes:
- All picture frames are sized according to the dimensions of the art being framed. If you have a piece 11” wide and 20 ½” tall, you need to order:
- Horizontal inches: 11
- Horizontal fraction: 0
- Vertical inches: 20
- Vertical fraction: ½
- If in doubt, round UP by one fraction size to be sure there’s enough room.
- For frames larger than 32”, shipping may be a concern, please call to order.
- A link to an Instruction Page detailing how to measure for a frame is available at the bottom of every page on this website.
- Time to ship 2 to 3 weeks.